Wednesday, March 14, 2007

marriages are made in .... orkut ??

Yes .. they are ! Last week, i met a couple here who met on orkut & thats where their entire relationship grew. Apparently, the two of them were a part of the same community ( oh ! the communities in orkut ! they get really creative with names and ideas ;)) . It's not like they never met before deciding to get married, they did eventually meet to finalize things.
I found the whole thing very amusing ( it's funny how i find so many things amusing ! ) . You meet a person on the virtual world , form a virtual relationship & finally converted it to a a true life relationship.
When it comes to technology - I completely favor abstraction - like my OS prof says - "there is nothing that can't be solved with another layer of abstraction ! ", but in real life I prefer no abstractions at all .. phone over chat , face to face over phone . So to me it was really amazing that orkut could form the basis of a relationship. Personally, I dont spend time on orkut - I belong to that group who would check the scrap book if i get a mail notification that some one has scrapped .
Afternote - They are a really cute couple & seem to be having a time of their life . So , i guess they would have probably been together even without orkut .. so afterall marriages are made in heaven ! ;)


Minerva said...

uh..the part about abstract was very abstract (to me!)..

this reminds me of another amusing (I call it crazy!) news..a couple met on the tube in London, didn't even exchange words..the girl clicked a pic of the guy (mobile camera!!) ..a few weeks later (2 days before Valentines!) she adverstised for him in the paper ..with the pic asking him to be her date on val and now they are a couple..!! ( Jst thot I'll share such important gyan!)

But I guys out there get inspired by the tube and the orkut couple..

(rama..there is even an IYER community in orkut ..jst for u!)

I think one of these days my comment is going to be longer than the one of your posts! (sorry ..aadat se majboor!)

Anonymous said...

@anu i know about both iyer and thanjavur iyer communities -- and i think anand is part of these groups for precisely this reason! for me, uh, there is that good old tamil maami in london working right? :-D
@shankar it is very heartening to see an engineer talking about abstraction. does science even allow for it?
About the orkut couple, when our entire lives are conducted on the internet it is hardly surprise that ppl shud fall in love on the net. i think the prob would come when they are physically meeting each other.
@anu i have already beaten you in the whose-comment-is-longer contest

Shankar said...

my blog's comment section is becoming more of a discussion board ! I think I should play a part in this "longer" contest by posting even longer posts !!
Rama - I dont know why u r surprised with engg. talking abt abstraction. The very fact that u r able to blog so freely without thinking of the underlying technology should tell u that our job is to abstract for simplicity. Abstract things to make technology more friendly ...
Anu .. to meet someone on orkut , I got to be on it first !! If I go with the thought that I'm looking for someone with same interests/ ideas/thoughts , then they wouldn;t be in orkut either ;) So it's highly unlikely that orkut would work for me :) but the tube thing .. lets see ( when i come to London ;))

Minerva said...

shankar - "abstract things to make technology", uh..what does abstract mean?? its all very abstract to me..

rama - on a different note ..the essence of science lies in its abstraction!

Anonymous said...

oh there is too much philosophy here! anu: it's one of those quotable quotes -- essence of science lies in its abstraction! wah wah
and shankar, this time around i think u have misinterpreted a word -- abstraction.
just for ur info, when i come to ur place i going to that freedom tunnel or whatever! (just kidding)

Minerva said...

rama: what is the freedom tunnel and where is it??

(sorry shankar about the cross talk)

btw..I've been told (by my scientist hubby) that the usage of the term abstraction is correct..

sorry again Shankar..

ur blog has indeed become a 'forum'

Shankar said...

thx :).. for raising the question of abstraction & answering it too !
& its not the freedom tunnel , it's called the free expression tunnel ... will take u there when u come :)

Unknown said...

I think I should approach orkut with a totally different view from now on.
The movie honeymoon travels ,in which one of the guy comes to India from the US of A to get married first meets his bride-to-be from an internet marriage portal.The guys meet and get married .Only after some time does d gal realise that guy is a gay and married her to cover his orientation.
What to do now?

Shankar said...

what a problem !!
anyways , the orkut warrior steps in with a new visoin huh!