Friday, January 19, 2007

whats in the name

"Gurukanth Desai . Tha nahi . hain aur rahega .." Thats what caught my attention in Guru. Until then I wasn't really watching the movie with much interest ( not like it was not good till then ! ) .
There's something abt these name dailogues that i like - it could be the way it is said ( which btw was awesome .. abhishek bachan rocks :)) .. or maybe just gives a more stronger foundation to the character itself. Same thing with the "my name is not anderson .. my name is neo" in matrix 1 . Can't really define the effect that the scene produces , it's just powerful ! .
Talking abt Guru , it's a must watch movie . I thought there were shades of Amitabh in Abhisheks action in this movie - the court scene ( when he just raises his hand ! ) .. that stupid song ( ek lo ek muft ) . The end is quite argumentative - i guess it's more of an urge to make the hero not lose than anything else. He makes Madhavans work look stupid at the end.
In certain sense the end is good becoz the fact is that this character did have good intentions in his actions . I believe that are three aspects to anything we do - intentions , thoughts and actions . Your intentions are something which are innate ( can't be changed , you could "pretend" at best ) .
Your thoughts are based on the way your brought up, cultural aspects , educations , etc.. ( so .. u could have potentially screwed up thought process inspite of having the truest of intentions ! )
Your actions are dependent on the situation, past actions ( causal system ? ;) ) , ability , etc..
Anyway , what i was getting at was that Guru's actions may have been wrong legally , but his intentions were true and judging one by his actions alone is wrong ( my personal opinion ) .
You could watch the movie & judge for yourself..


Anonymous said...

ah! u think guru's intentions were good? mani ratnam's were certainly not. guru symbolises greed for money n power. if mani had just left the story as one man's struggle against all odds to become rich, i would have not have had a prob. the prob come with the justifaction of his actions under the false pretext that he was also doing good things for everyone else. he broke law for his own greed n mani should have left it at that

Shankar said...

Hey Rama you forget that the title of this blog is "no vice" ! ;) I fail to see the vice, i only see otherwise :) ! ( just kiddin ) Struggle for money .. i agree ..( and the greed for it .. again i agree . ) struggle for power , where ? i dont remember any display of power there .

Anonymous said...

the insiduous manipulation of media and the system? the awe-inspiring scene where he stands in front of a football-stadium size crowd to give his speech. he loves having ctrl over people's lives

Prabha said...

even to make somebody walk with you in achieving your end , one needs courage. that guru has. he makes janata walk with him . gives confidence to people. all is well that ends well.

Vikas.Y.V said...

hey noisee, never knew u had a blog too! nice! and yeah, speaking of guru, a good movie but it was like Abhishek acting on behalf on his dad! :)