Saturday, May 12, 2007

void main(..)

from my point of view all functions have no return value ..
It happens after every big effort in life - when it's all over, u either feel satisfied ( with the result ) or see what went wrong .. but after that period is just a void - void in terms of thoughts , actions , emotion . All along all thoughts & emotions r focussed on that one effort (i would never forgive myself if i give anything less than 100 %)
void is a very strange feeling .. it's not associated with either sorrow or happiness. It's just a state, comes pretty much by itself & goes only when u find the next thing to focus .. not necessarily work , though very well could be work. Void can be good to .. it rejuvenates you completely !
This post is getting as complicated as it can get .. since this is about void ,i wouldn;t want to conclude the post ...


Anonymous said...

u post after such a long time, and end up writing about "nothing"!!!
but u absolutely right abt void. nice things they are. but dont make it a permanent feature, they almost kill :(

Shankar said...

the void is all gone! .. this tie with a hike :) ... & the new post is up too !