Tuesday, May 22, 2007

tortoise & the hare

Some time back I got a forward about the new version of the tortoise & hare story ( the "corporate" version ) .. but the old version is still etched in my mind. Though I never thought of it before, I never really understood why they came up with such a story ...i mean the whole story seems stupid to me .. there is this hare who is damn good at what he does .. run , i.e , but the problem is that he is stupid enough to not make good use of it in a race ; & this other sap ( tortoise) who is just not a "race" person just keeps trudging on to the end & wins ( personally i think the tortoise won because the hare was stupid) .
With all the introduction let me try to make sense of what i really want to say . Does slow & steady always win the race ? These stories effect the psyche of a person in a very subtle way . When you are in a situation , your mind tries to relate it a story you might have heard sometime in your life . The respose to the situation is very similar to what happens in the story too . People tend to convince themself of a conclusion in a given situation based on the stories - in this case "slow but steady ... " .
Also, the kind of story ( i mean fable ) likes should reflect something about the psychology of the kid ( in more general sense .. of the person .. coz i believe psychology hardly ever changes ) . As for me, I found a couple of stories very fascinating .. .. like that story about those bears & the girl .. then the panchatantra story about the mangoose ( where it gets killed at the end .. rather unfortunate ) .


Anonymous said...

not really clear to me what u wanted to say.
i hope it is clear to u.

Shankar said...

If only i was regular in updating my blog !! Rama - there are cultures which speak in high context & those which do so in low context. I guess I belong to the high context group ; which is probably the reason why most of my posts seem complicated !